Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Architectural Relief Project.

This assignment is an Architectural Relief project instructing us to select four architectural time periods, and by merging/combining/and adapting the elements and principles of each style, we are to create a relief sculpture that will demonstrate our inspirations of two, out of the original four.

I chose these four cathdrals,(below) and then thought about 
The Four Marks of the Church... a term used to describe four specific adjectives of the Christian Church,  "one","holy", "catholic", and "apostolic". . .
"One" as in one body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one church. I drew theAngel to represent "One"
The church is "holy", because God is holy. "...upon this rock I will build my church." The Pointed stone arch is the "rock" that I made from masking tape.
The word "catholic" is a Greek adjective meaning "universal", or "whole",
where my whole cathedral  combines the "apostolic" . . . the four churches, The Catholic Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, and The Church of the East. 
The following four cathedrals that I chose, are of each of these four orders mentioned, and each one also represents the actual places mine and my husbands ancestors originated from.

Cathedral of Trier, Trier Germany

Romanesque Design -c.340AD.

The Cathedral of Trier is the oldest cathedral in Germany, still being used today. 
Ruins of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Scotland
Saint Andrews Cathedral in St. Andrews, Scotland
Saint Andrew's Cathedral is Gothic-evolved, from Romanesque architecture, that was eventually succeeded by the Renaissance architecture. Its characteristics include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.

flying buttress is made up of two parts: the buttress, a large masonry block; and the “flyer,” an arch spanning between the buttress and the exterior wall.

Westminster Cathedral, London, England   
Neo-Byzantine - c.1903 


St. Michael's Basilica, Mirimachi, New Brunswick, Canada

Neo Gothic-c. 1921 AD.The Gothic Revival movement emerged in 19th century England.n the mid-18th century, with the rise of "Romanticism", an increased interest and awareness of the Middle Ages.

"Kimmy's Cathedral"

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